Friday 30 December 2011

Message from another planet...

This would be the last post of the blog and we decided to come up with something special just for you special people!

We really hope that you enjoy reading our blog posts as much as we enjoy writing the blog posts.
Even though we started out not having any knowledge about helping the environment, we have learnt many important things like how to help the environment in our everyday life and we certainly hope that you did too.
We would like to thank you for your support that you have shown by visiting our blog.
Finally, we would like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year!!

Friday 23 December 2011

Energy Saving – How willing are you?

According to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), statistics show that Singapore’s energy consumption rate is 39.21 billion kWh and currently rank 55 in 2011. We all know that this does not explain much but rather actions needed to be taken. If not, would you want to stay in Stone Age just how Flintstones do?

There are plenty of ways to help save energy. All you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps in your household and you are on your way to save your bill and the earth.

Five Steps on Saving 10% of Household Bills:

Replace air-conditioner with fan

“WHAT?! How can I not use air-conditioner when the weather is so humid?” It is totally fine to switch on but try not to use it every day. Your fan only utilizes 1/10th of electricity as compared to air-conditioner. What’s more, you get to save an estimated cost of $55 monthly!

Lower the temperature of air-conditioner

If you insist to on the air-con, try to adjust the temperature to 24 oC or 25oC. This way, your electricity will run at a deceasing speed with each degree raised. It allows you to save about $20 per year!

All power sockets be switched off

Remember to switch off all home appliances such as television, radio and computers whenever you are not using it. Never leave it on standby mode just so to make things easier for you. Doing this may help save $55 a year!

Energy Efficient Light bulbs

Many household uses fluorescent lamp as an alternative for incandescent light bulb. The reason for this may be cheaper cost and easy to install. Also, it can save $15 per bulb per year! Light Emitting Diode (LED) are rarely used in houses due to the fact that we on the lights for 4 to 6 hours per day.

Energy Efficient Appliances

By checking the energy labels before purchasing, you are saving yourself from a huge pile of expensive bills. For example, Daikin’s air-conditioner contains mostly 4 ticks (√√√√) and is much better than those with only a tick (√). This help to save about $355 every year!
As the electricity bill keeps rising, you should adopt these energy saving steps to defend yourselves from it. Besides this, the Earth Hour which occurs on 31 March every year conveys the message to people that switching off their lights for an hour is an effort made to reduce climate change. This nationwide event gathers more than hundreds of millions across 135 countries every single year. They played their part by supporting Earth Hour’s campaign to help fight climate change.
So, how willing are you to step out and join the community to help save energy?

Fun Facts
The electricity used by air-conditioner is equal to the energy used for 32 fans!

Friday 16 December 2011

What would life be without fossil fuels ?..

Life without fossil fuels will be like the Stone Age period, where there was no electricity or oil. Without these essential fuels, transport and the internet would be a thing of the past and all electrical appliances won’t work as well, causing the inevitable drastic change in life. 

Our society will be handicapped as we are part of the industrial civilization and this only exists with the presence of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel is the main source of power in the modern human civilization and industrialization cannot happen without it. In short, we cannot imagine life without fossil fuels. It is almost impossible for the population now to be living in a world without electricity, oil or natural gases.

Can you imagine life without lights? 

Can you imagine life without electricity?

Can you imagine life without any form of transport?

Can you imagine life without any entertainment/Internet?

Can you imagine life without fossil fuels??

If you can’t imagine it, then that’s exactly why you should do your part in saving the world before fossil fuels are depleted.

Friday 2 December 2011

Importance of Fossil Fuels

Imagine your life without fossil fuels!
Without it, the industrial revolution would not have happened
ExxonMobil alone brings in over 300 billion dollars a year in revenue and employs almost eighty thousand people. It routinely sets records for largest quarterly profits.
Oil companies and fossil fuel refineries play a huge role in our national economic growth.
Your Transportation?
Vehicles need fuels to move.They are built into every layer of our transportation system.Even building cars that use alternate energy sources still requires fossil fuels.

Most of the food in your grocery store uses vehicles to deliver the food back around the country. Our society is laid out depends on the ability to ship goods quickly over long distances.Enable production and manufacturing of food machineries to work 

Think of everything that has plastic in your life?
Oil is a critical component to plastic. Without access to cheap, strong and widely available plastics, our world would be a very different place than it is now. We rely on plastics for just about everything, from modern medicine to cooking and eating food. Without plastics, we would never have been able to build small, inexpensive computers, which would, of course, mean no Internet.

Moreover, the convenience of our modern daily lives would be non-existence.

                                                 We consume it! Grow up with it! 
                   Fossil Fuels are EVERYTHING in our LIFE including you and me!

Fun Fact
It might sound crazy, but companies and researchers are actually working on making fuel for cars, trucks, and even airplanes from some of these sources:
  • Sawdust, wood chips and nuts
  • Used diapers
  • Bad batches of chocolate
  • Cow waste
  • Coffee grounds
  • Used polystyrene cups
  • Turkey guts 

Friday 25 November 2011

What are you fighting for?

As we all know, oil is of paramount importance to everyone. Oil can be divided into 2 sections: organic oil and mineral oil. Organic oil is produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. While mineral oil is crude oil, or petroleum, and its refined components, collectively termed petrochemicals, are crucial resources in the modern economy. But which type are people fighting for?

We know that war for mineral oil has been happening for many years now in Iraq. It has impacted not only the environment but humans as well. Not only will there be bloodshed but also depletion of oil.

These are among the few wars you may grow up listening to or learn about during most of the history classes. Each and every one of the wars stated not only cause destroying impacts on the economy but also the environment. Air, water and soil are polluted, man and animal are killed, and numerous health affects occur among those still living.

War for oil is one major drawback in causing the depletion of oil. It causes harmful environmental effects on Earth.  We are all powerless in preventing wars. We just listen and watch the news for every recent war that has happened. We need oil. But is having war necessary?

What are you really fighting for?

Fun fact:
Iraq was the world’s 12th largest oil producer in 2009, and has the world’s fourth largest proven petroleum reserves after Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Iran.
Oil accounts for 40% of all energy use.

Friday 18 November 2011

Environmental Impact

Despite the numerous benefits of having electricity generated from fossil fuels which also known as the cheapest energy, they are actually causing harm to both environment and human .

There are 3 important stages in obtaining the energy starting from when the fossil fuel are being obtained in their raw form, transported to the various plants and finally being processed to become what we know as electricity.
Coal mining releases methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and the explosives used can blast these particulates into the air causing damage to water bodies, biodiversity and earth’s atmosphere. Oil drilling on the other hand uses seismic waves to detect oil and this disrupts the sonar of whales and dolphins thus causing them to beach and in extreme cases it changed their migratory pattern entirely.

Getting the fossil fuels out of the ground is only the beginning and the next step is transporting them to plants where they are being processed. The fact is transporting of fossil fuels pose an even larger danger to the environment and human. A typical coal plant will require around 40 railroad cars to supply 1.4 million tons of coal and it adds up to 14,600 railroad cars a year. These railroad locomotives release nearly 1 million tons of nitrogen oxide and 52,000 tons of coarse and small particles. Nitrogen oxide can react with many compounds and turn into nitric acid vapor which causes acid rain which will worsen conditions such as bronchitis, heart disease and can also cause premature death after inhalation.

Transportation of oil also pose great danger to the marine life as large oil tankers are being used to transport the crude oil and more often than not, there would be oil spill and it will pollute the water and disrupt the food chain.
Processing of the fossil fuels is the worst part of the process of turning fossil fuels into electricity whereby they burn the fossil fuels obtained. In the case of obtaining electricity from coal, the plants are supposed to burn the coal and the process of burning coal releases millions of tons of toxic chemicals such as sulfur dioxide, mercury, nitrogen oxides into the air and ultimately into our bodies. These toxic chemicals will not only cause respiratory ailments but also cardiovascular and nervous system disorder. Due to the serious air pollution, around 36,000 Americans die from it each year, 36,000 times more than shark fatality.
Electricity is not the only thing generated from burning of coal, wastes such as ash, sludge, toxic substances are also generated but are being disposed of carelessly. Cooling water are needed to cool down the plants when they burn the coals and they draw water from nearby water bodies like rivers, lake or ocean and 21 million fish eggs, fish larvae and other small fishes may also be sucked into it thus injuring and killing them in the process. The power plants add chlorine or other toxic chemicals into the water so as to decrease the algae growth.  After using the water to cool the plants down, it is then being released back but 20-25° F hotter. This decrease the fertility and increase the heart rates of fish which slowly but surely killing off the fish population.

However despite having many negative impacts, fossil fuel remains the most used energy source as they are cheap. It will remain as the dominant energy source for at least the next few decades in spite of the pollutions. So the only hope of living in a less polluted world is using lesser energy as well as clean energy source such as solar and wind energy.

Fun Facts
A litre of gasoline is the result of about 20 metric tonnes of ancient organic material deposited on the ocean floor.
Crude oil provides more than fuel, it's the basis of many plastics and chemicals used in shampoos and other personal care products.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Understanding Fossil Fuels

Understanding Fossil Fuels
Fossils fuels are formed from tons of decaying dead plants and animals that is compacted for millions of years in the earth’s crust. Most of it comes from swampy areas of the Jurassic Period. After millions of years, and under great pressure, the decaying matter turns into coal and oil. These materials have been a major contributor to human development. Fossil fuels are currently the most economically available source of power for both personal and commercial uses.
To release their stored energy, fossil fuels must be burned. It is during this combustion process that a variety of emissions and particles, are released into the atmosphere which can be harmful to the environment. In 2005, about 3/4 of total world energy consumption was through the use of fossil fuels. These fossil fuels have been extensively used since the Industrial Revolution. (18th and 19th century)

There are also environmental risks related with extracting, transporting, and using fossil fuels. Mining for coal and drilling for oil are especially hazardous because the digging of massive mines and wells can change the surrounding landscapes and bring massive amounts of salt water to the surface which can damage nearby ecosystems without proper treatment and seclusion.

Fun Facts about Oil
Crude oil is termed sweet and sour according to the content of sulphur present in it.