Friday 25 November 2011

What are you fighting for?

As we all know, oil is of paramount importance to everyone. Oil can be divided into 2 sections: organic oil and mineral oil. Organic oil is produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. While mineral oil is crude oil, or petroleum, and its refined components, collectively termed petrochemicals, are crucial resources in the modern economy. But which type are people fighting for?

We know that war for mineral oil has been happening for many years now in Iraq. It has impacted not only the environment but humans as well. Not only will there be bloodshed but also depletion of oil.

These are among the few wars you may grow up listening to or learn about during most of the history classes. Each and every one of the wars stated not only cause destroying impacts on the economy but also the environment. Air, water and soil are polluted, man and animal are killed, and numerous health affects occur among those still living.

War for oil is one major drawback in causing the depletion of oil. It causes harmful environmental effects on Earth.  We are all powerless in preventing wars. We just listen and watch the news for every recent war that has happened. We need oil. But is having war necessary?

What are you really fighting for?

Fun fact:
Iraq was the world’s 12th largest oil producer in 2009, and has the world’s fourth largest proven petroleum reserves after Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Iran.
Oil accounts for 40% of all energy use.

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