According to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), statistics show that Singapore’s energy consumption rate is 39.21 billion kWh and currently rank 55 in 2011. We all know that this does not explain much but rather actions needed to be taken. If not, would you want to stay in Stone Age just how Flintstones do?
Lower the temperature of air-conditioner
There are plenty of ways to help save energy. All you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps in your household and you are on your way to save your bill and the earth.
Five Steps on Saving 10% of Household Bills:
Replace air-conditioner with fan
“WHAT?! How can I not use air-conditioner when the weather is so humid?” It is totally fine to switch on but try not to use it every day. Your fan only utilizes 1/10th of electricity as compared to air-conditioner. What’s more, you get to save an estimated cost of $55 monthly!
If you insist to on the air-con, try to adjust the temperature to 24 oC or 25oC. This way, your electricity will run at a deceasing speed with each degree raised. It allows you to save about $20 per year!
All power sockets be switched off
Remember to switch off all home appliances such as television, radio and computers whenever you are not using it. Never leave it on standby mode just so to make things easier for you. Doing this may help save $55 a year!
Energy Efficient Light bulbs
Many household uses fluorescent lamp as an alternative for incandescent light bulb. The reason for this may be cheaper cost and easy to install. Also, it can save $15 per bulb per year! Light Emitting Diode (LED) are rarely used in houses due to the fact that we on the lights for 4 to 6 hours per day.
Energy Efficient Appliances
By checking the energy labels before purchasing, you are saving yourself from a huge pile of expensive bills. For example, Daikin’s air-conditioner contains mostly 4 ticks (√√√√) and is much better than those with only a tick (√). This help to save about $355 every year!
As the electricity bill keeps rising, you should adopt these energy saving steps to defend yourselves from it. Besides this, the Earth Hour which occurs on 31 March every year conveys the message to people that switching off their lights for an hour is an effort made to reduce climate change. This nationwide event gathers more than hundreds of millions across 135 countries every single year. They played their part by supporting Earth Hour’s campaign to help fight climate change.
So, how willing are you to step out and join the community to help save energy?
Fun Facts
The electricity used by air-conditioner is equal to the energy used for 32 fans!
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